
Case Studies


一家非营利性联邦信用合作社发现Entuity具有开箱即用的灵活性, rapid implementation and ease of use. Entuity提供管理和网络工程师级别的正常运行时间报告, device availability, device inventory and utilization. Entuity还可以很好地与其他管理解决方案集成.

  • Increased IT SLA availability to 99.75%, exceeding guaranteed objective
  • 增强Help Desk呼叫解决方案,提供有意义的警报,提高十大赌博正规老平台成员的能力
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • 利用智能报告来提高网络利用率
  • Improved relationships with telecomm carriers and ISPs, increasing end-to-end performance and availability
  • Prevented service disruptions


  • 网络性能和可用性问题影响了保证的SLA需求99.5%
  • No end-to-end service monitoring, no meaningful alarms
  • Budgetary constraints
  • Lack of consistent, reliable reporting
  • High levels of member service to maintain

Introduction for a Non-Profit 联邦 Credit Union

Under the philosophy of ‘people helping people’, this federal credit union is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative, and also one of the largest credit unions in the U.S. 也是最大的教育信用合作社,拥有超过26万会员.

他们的愿景是通过100台自动柜员机为会员提供世界一流的个人十大赌博正规老平台。, 24-hour automated telephone transaction service, and online banking system. 他们认识到,提供卓越的价值意味着通过将十大赌博正规老平台与技术相结合以及不断简化程序来提供卓越的运营, business processes and IT systems.

To deliver upon this vision, IT运维部门负责保证组织规定的十大赌博正规老平台水平协议(SLA)达到99.5% availability of services. As the credit union added new branches, new members, and new applications, its SLA slipped to an average range of 98.9 to 99.1% availability.

Additionally, IT运营依靠一个基本的工具来“ping”他们的应用程序以确定可用性. 这种ping能力不足以真正测量十大赌博正规老平台降级, performance or failure. As their network engineer explains, “我们确定需要提供事件关联和报告功能的最先进的解决方案来监控我们网络端到端的整体性能,并在网络事件发生时生成有意义的警报.”

As a not-for-profit organization, 他们发现,平衡会员人数的增长与会员的期望和预算责任是一项挑战. 他们需要一种能够“自我管理”的解决方案——易于使用, Web-based, and require no additional resources.

Entuity offers:

  • High levels of member service to maintain
  • 可用性管理,区分网络, 使用根本原因分析的十大赌博正规老平台器和应用程序问题, prioritizing problems based on business impact.
  • 在代价高昂的业务中断发生之前预测问题的性能管理, using service degradation sensitivity.
  • 对网络资产进行盘点的资源管理, their connectivity, 以及它们在亲子关系和对等关系中的逻辑依赖关系.

“我们选择Entuity是因为它既提供事件抑制又提供故障关联. With Entuity, 我们很容易找到问题发生的地方,而不需要系统记录所有受影响的内容.”
– Network Engineer


Accurate information and reporting:
Entuity精确定位信息,详细说明问题是什么以及问题在哪里. 它提供单个对象和端口的性能统计数据,并考虑其他端口的性能.

  • Out-of-the-box flexibility, rapid implementation:
    Installation took 15 minutes and within 3 hours, Entuity discovered over 6,在网络中有000个接口(大约400个设备).
  • Immediate effectiveness:
    Within an hour after installation, Entuity提供了关于其网络中出现问题的关键信息.
  • Ease of use:
    The staff did not require formal training. Within days, the IT team was reviewing and analyzing data, utilizing Entuity’s built-in Help system, Event Viewer and reporting abilities.

The Results

Improved SLA Availability: “在实施Entuity的90天内,我们将IT SLA可用性提高到99.75%,超出了我们规定的保证目标。. With Entuity, IT运营部门能够隔离并主动解决WAN的性能问题, telecommunications carriers and ISPs.

Enhanced Help Desk Effectiveness: Within 3 days of implementing the program, the Credit Union’s help desk was isolating, 排除故障并修复他们甚至没有意识到的问题. Entuity极大地提高了十大赌博正规老平台台呼叫解决方案,提高了他们为其成员十大赌博正规老平台的能力.

Entuity帮助IT团队定位网络中性能下降的地方. Based on this critical information, the team upgraded network cards to improve speed, performance and availability. 这些改进缓解了网络拥塞,减少了十大赌博正规老平台台呼叫量.

Impact Analysis: “通过使用Entuity,我们发现了电信运营商和互联网十大赌博正规老平台提供商造成的性能下降. Entuity向我们提供了详细的信息和影响分析,以便实时评估情况. 例如,我们很快就找到了配置错误的ISDN线路和错误的布线. 我们积极与十大赌博正规老平台提供商合作,解决和改善这些情况, 提高应用程序的整体性能并防止十大赌博正规老平台中断,” stated the Network Engineer.

With Entuity, the Non-Profit 联邦 Credit Union

  • Increased IT SLA availability to 99.75%, exceeding guaranteed objective
  • 增强了帮助台呼叫解决方案和有意义的警报,提高了为会员十大赌博正规老平台的能力
  • Improved operational efficiency cost-effectively
  • 利用智能报告来提高网络利用率
  • Improved relationships with telecomm carriers and ISPs, increasing end-to-end performance and availability
  • Prevented service disruptions

“我们确定需要提供事件关联和报告功能的最先进的解决方案来监控我们网络端到端的整体性能,并在网络事件发生时生成有意义的警报. With Entuity, we are not inundated with alerts; rather we receive intelligent, meaningful information and act quickly.”
– Network Engineer

About Entuity
Embracing the digital worldview, Entuity为不断变化的企业提供数字网络分析. Our highly automated, 统一, 企业级解决方案将深入的网络洞察置于您的指尖, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects, and easily integrates with major framework environments. Entuity的支持和十大赌博正规老平台团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动.